Underground Comics - W6

In the underground comic book called "Girl Fight Comics," the first story follows a woman named Dominique, or rather, Fox when she doesn't remember who she  is. In her state of memory loss, she experiences the Mist and hears "Fox." This comic is very interesting because it is attempting to empower women somewhat, like when Fox meets the army of women, but is still sort of racist and offensive when it comes to cultural differences and the ignorance that can come with it. For example, when Fox is dropped off by parachute near her Father's tribe, she gets hurt and forgets who she is again, resulting in her embodying a panther. It also depicts the people in her father's village as somewhat "uncivilized" and gullible. In light of all the content together, the aspect of female empowerment may act as more of a sexual appeal instead. Fox is portrayed as pretty animalistic when she is acting as a panther and blatantly kills the men who are trying to take advantage of her.
In the narrative called "SHE," the story follows an Amazon warrior whose civilization of women were discovered by a man who brought her, Powa, back to the states with him. This story is similar to the "Fox" narrative in that the women were depicted as uncivilized by American standards, yet there is still a strong ideal of feminism kind of woven into the story whether it was for the purpose of empowerment or not. In all, this comic makes the women the heroes of the story even among all the offensive depictions.


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